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Bold Updates the Linkin Integrated Shock Trail Bike

02 novembre 2021
As you might expect, Bold is continuing to use the internal shock design, however there are some big differences to its application on the new bike. Rather than standing vertically in the seat tube, the shock now lies horizontally above the bottom bracket. This gives Bold a low center of gravity that other brands could only dream of achieving and, it claims, also boosts the stiffness of the overall construction. As before, the shock is protected from the elements but is now accessed from a removable panel in the bottom of the downtube, rather than below the bottom bracket as before. A magnet-equipped travel indicator on the outside means you don't have to break open the bike to check the sag or know if you're bottoming out or not. Re-orienting the shock also means the seat tube is clear of any obstructions and a 200mm dropper post can be fitted.


Full review here: https://www.pinkbike.com/news/bold-updates-the-internal-shock-linkin.html